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Olga Denisenko

She was born in Leningrad
1979-1986-Ioganson Art School
1989-1996Painting faculty of Academy of ART. Monumental studio by professor A A Mylnikov
1997-2001-Post-graduate department
1998-S-Petersburg Union of artist. Member
Since 2001 she’s worked as a teacher at the painting faculty of Art Academy

Exhibition and major works of art

Since 2001 she has taken part at spring’s exhibition of teachers of Art Academy
1997-Modern Russian Art. Beijing.China
The Union of Artists, several exhibitions
1999-Ehxibition of Russian Art in The Central Exhibition Hall /MANEZD/ in Moscow
1999- Christ the Savior Cathedral. Monumental painting
2001-Exhibitions in Savonlinna and Naantali, Finland
2002 - The Cathedral of Kursk,monumental wall paintings
2002 - Republic of South Africa,mosaics,The Church of SergeyRadonezki,Iohannersburg Mosaics
2003 - State Pushkin museum ,Puskinskye Gory, personal exhibition
2003-2004-Exhibition in Stockholm and Avravsberg.Sweden
2004-Exhibition in THE CENTRAL ARTIST HOUSE in Moscow-LESOREADES gallery
2005-2007-icons for the Vladimirsky icon’s Cathedral in S-Petersburg
2007-Exhibition of Russian Art in Handzow,China

Olga Denisenko had been given one of the most honourable tasks for artists in Russia.
She was selected to be one of the artists decorating the most monumental building of the
post-soviet period in Moscow. It was the reconstruction of a national heritage – the Cathedral
of Christ the Saviour.
Her works can be seen in private collections and churches in Russia.Her paintings find their way
to Western Europe and as far as China and the Republic of South Africa.
She was born in Leningrad (St.Petersburg) and entered the Academy of Fine Arts 1989 (The Repin institute).She graduated with a first-class diploma and is now a member of St.Petersburg Union of Artists and a teacher of Academy of Fine Arts

Works for Russian Orthodox Church

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